Bauhaus Germany

The Bauhaus movement will be celebrating its centenary on the 1 April 2019 and now is the time to book your trip to visit the key sites in Germany.  Below we'll outline what is available at Weimar, Dessau and Germany and hopefully wet your appetite to discover more about this central tenet of modernism.

Weimar - would be the birth place of the Bauhaus School in 1919 and founded by Walter Gropius.  The Haus au Horn pictured above is one of the most significant Bauhaus remnants in Weimar and designed by Georg Much for the Werkschau (exhibition) in the summer of 1923.  Unfortunately the Bauhaus was forced out two years later by the rise of the Nazi Party but was welcomed by the Dessau local government.

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Dessau - provided many opportunities to the Bauhaus which included the creation of a dedicated School building, accommodation for students and masters, commissions by the local government for housing, restaurant and an employment office.  We can book accommodation in the original student studentenwohnheim (block of studio flats) which provides a unique insight into the values and design of the Bauhaus.  Recommended is a meal at the Kornhaus situated on the Elbe River designed by Carl Finger and constructed in 1930.  Our guests will receive tours of the Bauhaus School building, Master buildings, Torten housing estate, employment office and the new museum to be completed in time for the centenary in 2019.

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Berlin - the School moved to Berlin in 1932 after once more being expelled by the rise of the Nazis’ in Dessau.  There stay would be short lived before the teachers went into exile abroad and their concepts ironically spread throughout the World.

Berlin houses the Bauhaus Archive within a building based on Walter Gropius designs.  The City contains six modernist estates at Falkenberg, Schillerpark, Britz, Carl Legien and Siemensstadt which are all protected as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Berlin has culture in abundance and a history that has made it the crossroads of Europe over the last one hundred years. Allow us to guide you around the many sights and provide the educational experience your seeking.

German Modernism Road Trip

The map below should wet your appetite for exploring modernist architecture and motor museums in central Europe.