Overview of Modernism Tours

Sussex Modernism - Sussex became the home for a number of modernist artists, architects and buildings from the 1920s onwards.  For further details see our dedicated page.

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London Modernism - The Greater London area incorporates a huge range of modernist architecture, arts, culture and transportation.  Please see our dedicated page for further details.

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Essex Modernism - The County of Essex is the home to a number of fascinating groupings of modernist architectural homes and factories.  There is the delightful seaside town of Frinton-on-Sea, Silver End built for the workers of Crittal Windows and East Tilbury for the BATA shoe making workforce.  See our dedicated page for further details.

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Bauhaus Germany - allow us to guide you to all the UNESCO world heritage sights connected with the Bauhaus in Weimar, Dessau and Berlin.

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French Modernism - France hosted a number of architectural greats such as Le Corbusier and Eileen Gray.  See our dedicated page for further details.

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